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Lauren Kelly

Lauren is a senior in the Anthropology department and is starting a coterm in Media Studies this fall.  She is guilty of procrastinating by poring over the thatdisneygif blog and encourages you to do the same.



Jenny Peter
Jenny is a Masters student in Communication - Media Studies program. During Finals week, she enjoys telling her BS and MS Degree friends that she gets to do a Final project on Memes.




Shea Ritchie

Shea is a coterm in the Communication - Media Studies program. She REALLY likes memes, though she hasn't gone so far to participate in Reddit or 4chan meme-y threads. Fun fact: she really likes sharing fun facts.


Kayla Williams

Kayla is a Stanford Student from Idaho...she never had wireless internet until coming to Stanford.


And some ity-bity GIF-in, too

The Social Media and Virtual Community Project

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